The IndependenT Platform.

Nigel Jacklin (Bexhill and Battle)

I am a statistician and market researcher. My day job is representing people. I’ll continue to do that as your elected MP.

I have lived in Normans Bay, near Pevensey, for 30 years. My wife and I brought up our family here. I started my first business here. Bexhill and Battle is our home.

In 2021 my wife and I set up The Democratic Network to help people get involved in local and national decision making. Each year we run a Network Survey asking people what matters to them. The first replies to our 2024 general election survey told us:
● “I want change from the main parties.”
● “Honesty, openness and integrity.”
● “An MP not beholden to any party or other financial backer.”
● “An MP with common sense that doesn’t follow the herd.”

I have always been a keen environmentalist and have enjoyed ‘gardening’ in difficult conditions since we moved here. I made our own soil (compost and paper) on which the wild orchids grew after 20 years of ‘non-intervention’ gardening. We have self-sown spinach growing in our back lawn.

“In 2021 & 2022 I campaigned with Nigel to save NHS workers jobs” – Charlotte Gracias, Cofounder of Together

I declared my intention to stand in this year’s general election back in January. I will be one of a number of Independent Network candidates standing across the UK.

This means that I have a support network of established independent Councillors and that I will adhere to the Bell Principles named after the inspirational Martin Bell who was elected as an Independent back in 1997. These build on the Nolan Principles and include the use of evidence and freedom from the party political whip. Find out more HERE.

For the past two years we have worked with the Independent Network to encourage people to stand as local Councillors. The number of Independent and Resident Association local Councillors increased by 60% (up by 104) in this year’s May local elections; July 4th really could be Independents Day.

I also follow guidelines for any candidate wishing to join The IndependenT Platform. These guidelines can be found HERE.

My initial campaign focus is on the 11 areas below. As an Independent MP I will simply do the job of representing you. My priority will be the needs of Bexhill and Battle. As well as representing you in Westminster I will work at a local level to make life better.

  1. End abuse of police power; catch criminals.
  2. Tackle illegal immigration; no detention centre at Northeye.
  3. Put local housing needs before property developer profits.
  4. Value skills over qualifications.
  5. Get the economy going. Support local businesses and community groups.
  6. Deliver effective local public services, especially NHS and Social Care.
  7. Review Net Zero; take a more balanced approach to the environment.
  8. Support our farmers and agricultural communities.
  9. Protect single sex spaces and sports.
  10. End wars. No national service. No conscription.


I have spoken on a number of these issues at conference and local meetings and written about others in published articles. I am not convinced by the climate emergency and feel strongly that we need a more balanced approach to environmental issues.

Want to hear my thoughts on AI and Copyright? Click Here!

For the past 14 months I have led the campaign against the Northeye proposals (to accommodate 1,200 male asylum seekers in Little Common with no consultation). The site was due to have been in use by now. Thanks to the strong local opposition a decision to use the site has yet to be taken. The incumbent MP announced he was stepping down in May. We have liaised with top legal advisors and visited fellow campaigners in RAF Scampton and RAF Wethersfield.

In addition to this I have campaigned on Keeping Cash, digital-ID (delivering a Together Declaration petition to Downing Street successfully opposing the introduction of Vaccine Passports), supported over 100,000 NHS workers who were due to lose their jobs in April 2022 and supported the campaign for single sex spaces.

I have written on and campaigned about effective policing, taking Sussex Police to the High Court in 2018 in relation to the use of Community Protection Warning Letters. Our Judicial Review established that these letters had no legal standing.

“His knowledge of the agricultural sector is impressive as is his dedication to the farming cause. I do hope he gets elected.”

I realise we enter this election with the public finances in a perilous state and with immigration at record high levels. I see these as failures of both the government and the state. I am not confident that Labour will change things for the better. We need to balance the books. We need to earn more, or spend
less…preferably both…and make sure the money we do spend is spent well.

Our education system needs to place more emphasis on skills and helping young people to find their place in the world of work.

Like many people I’ve had enough of politicians and political in-fighting. In my day job I have worked with groups of competing media (newspapers, big tech) to deliver solutions that work for everybody involved. That’s what I would do for Bexhill and Battle if you elect me. To do that I need your help and support. Please get in touch!


“We have worked with Nigel for over a decade. Like Nigel I feel the mainstream parties no longer represent us. I’m up for real change and believe that Nigel can deliver it. He’s got my support.”

Matt Mason NIMA Print, Bexhill Resident

“Nigel campaigned tirelessly and effectively opposing the Northeye proposals. He’ll make a great MP who’ll work in the interests of the people of Bexhill and Battle.”

Vince Spencer Bexhill Resident

“Nigel’s contributions to the Independent Network group are always valued and his commitment to the independent cause cannot be doubted. We wish him and all Independent candidates success in this general election.”

Marianne Overton Leader, Independent Network, Lincolnshire

“As advocates for the ‘Keep Cash’ movement, we’re thrilled to have Nigel’s support. His dedication to preserving the accessibility and convenience of cash transactions, whether it’s for parking metres, everyday shopping, or beyond, is truly commendable.

Paul & Victoria Morris Cooden Bexhill

“Nigel has been a regular contributor at our monthly meetings with contribution on standing for election, farming and Net Zero. He has enthusiastically encouraged people to make a difference by getting involved in the democratic process.”

Laura King Chair, Brighton Free Speech

“In 2021 and 2022 I worked with Nigel campaigning to save NHS workers jobs. Nigel had a clear and thorough understanding of the complexities of the NHS. Our campaign was a success and an estimated 100,000 people kept their jobs.

Charlotte Gracias Cofounder of Together, Campaigner, Activist, London

“The people of Bexhill & Battle are fortunate in having Nigel Jacklin on the ballot for our parliamentary representative. Nigel is astutely aware of the harm being pushed on society by Net Zero policies, which are neither scientific nor ethical. It is vital to preserve our natural environment, but making a bogeyman carbon dioxide (a gas of life) is not the way to do it.”

Dr Niall McCrae Author of Green in Tooth and Claw: the Misanthropic Mission of Climate Alarm, Bexhill Resident

“I have known and worked with Nigel for over 30 years. Most recently he made an important contribution to our Net Zero conference, where he spoke on the challenges facing farmers as a result of Global Warming and Government Regulation. He is a skilled market researcher and statistician who truly believes in representing people!”

Tony Dent Director, Better Statistics CIC

“I have worked with Nigel for three years on campaigns to keep farmers farming. His knowledge of the agricultural sector is impressive as is his dedication to the farming cause. I do hope he gets elected.”

Venetia Carpenter Farming Campaigner, Kent

“We both worked with Nigel when we were at College. The experience we gained helped us with our decisions about our university education and further studies. His World of Work project - undertaken with the Financial Times and ESCC - helped us understand the jobs that exist and how to stand out in the professional environment. We’re grateful for the guidance we received from Nigel and wish him all the best with his election campaign.”

Delight Akerejola and Nadim Uddin East Sussex

“Nigel helped me, as an Independent Candidate, in my 2021 Police and Crime Commissioner election campaign. His recognition of the importance of effective policing will stand him in good stead if elected.”

Roy Williams 2021 Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate

Virtual Town Hall

This is where you will see your candidate responding to the questions raised through the candidate form.

A: I would be happy to work with you if elected. 

I am aware from work I am involved in that there are a wide range of disabilities. 

I would support a Minister for Disabilities; not sure whether we need on for children. This would be along the lines of the current Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work in the Department for Work and Pensions. 

Perhaps there should be a separate Minister for Children rather than a Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing (although children and families are clearly one and the same thing). 

A: That would be good.  My view is that good food does not need to be expensive but it can require effort, skills and a kitchen. 

I am not a fan of ultra-processed foods as I think they are not good for you.

A: I prefer to buy clothes that are classical and long lasting.

A: My position is that we need to end wars and I will not take sides. 

I worked in Beirut in 1995 and saw first had the destruction wars cause. 

My position means that I can act as a neutral party to bring peace.

Ask Nigel Jacklin a question

Hello, please use the form below in order to ask your question for the candidate.

Support me in my campaign

Whether it’s through tech support, managing social media, handling administrative tasks, distributing leaflets, or finding other ways to help and just spread the word, we’d love to hear from you. Every bit of help has a significant impact! Get in touch HERE.

Want to find out Bexhill and Battle’s 2019 election results? Click HERE!

The IndependenT Platform

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