The IndependenT Platform.

57% of UK willing to vote independent

Join us on our mission to get 100 independent MPs into the next Government.

0 %

Considering voting against Labour AND Conservatives

0 /10

Brits will consider voting for independent MPs in next election

0 %

Expect to be dissatisfied with any of the mainstream political parties

According to a 2024 poll carried out by Omnisis on behalf of the IndependenT Platform

Rishi Sunak has announced that the next election is on the 4th July!

Election day is set to be on the US Independence Day- Let’s make it UK Independent Day!

6 out of 10 Brits will consider voting for independent MPs in next election in July. We’re here to make that possible. Our aim is to get 100 Independent MPs into that next Government. #vote100in

The IndependenT Platform is dedicated to ensuring that independent candidates have the resources and support they need to succeed in their bid for parliamentary seats. Our first objective is to facilitate the election of 100 independent Members of Parliament in the upcoming election. And our bigger goal … the evolution of politics in the UK!

We’d love to hear your thoughts below. 

But what can YOU do about it? 

57% of UK willing to vote independent in the July election!

Becoming an Independent MP

Would you be interested in becoming an Independent MP with the IndependenT Platform? Learn more below about how we can support you. 


Why The IndependenT Platform?

We are committed to maintaining our impartiality and independence and operate without any political agenda and will never exert pressure on elected independent MPs. Our sole focus is on fostering a positive evolution in UK politics through the empowerment of independent voices.

Independent and real

No political agendas. We never exert pressure on elected independent MP. MP's listen to constituents and make the best decisions for them and the UK.

Fairness to all

Every voice matters, and every perspective deserves consideration. That's what an Independent MP is able to do.

Truly impartial

A true democracy should not allow money to buy influence. The IndependenT Platform supports that all party donations should be limited to £1,000 max either in cash or benefit in kind to stay truly impartial.

Common sense

Let’s bring practicality back into policymaking and plan for the future.

Support or Volunteer

Whether it’s through tech support, managing social media, handling administrative tasks, distributing leaflets, or finding other ways to help and just spread the word, we’d love to hear from you. Every bit of help makes a significant impact!


One-in-two considering voting against Labour AND Conservatives!


How 'someone' becomes 'something' and 'something' becomes 'everything'

We believe that even one independent MP in parliament can make a difference. One unique voice saying non-party political points will start making change. And as the number grows, then so does that impact.  

Something like a new party has to be tested and long established to win trust, but a someone is an individual who has a chance of more quickly winning credibility and gaining trust. If we can believe and put our faith in someone, and get enough other ‘someone’s’ interested in an evolution of politics we could make a change in how we look after our countries in the UK. You see that ‘someone’ becomes ‘something’, and that ‘something’ becomes ‘everything’.

We want to encourage and support independent candidates to stand for parliament. But we need your help. 

The IndependenT Platform

Join us on our mission to get 100 independent MP’s into the next Government.

©2024. The IndependenT Platform. All Rights Reserved.