The IndependenT Platform.

David Heather (Braintree)

My name is David Heather. I am a 62 years old man born in St Marys Paddington and was adopted in 1962. I live locally in Castle Hedingham and prior to that in Little Yeldham.

I have three children and one grandson. I hold a degree in Botany and a Master of Business Administration (MBA). I have worked in both small and large businesses both in the UK and abroad as a Finance and Managing Director.

I now run a small internet business. I have travelled extensively to collect and write about Propaganda Art.

I was one of the founder volunteers for Crisis at Christmas (now Crisis) and used to raise money by walking from Canterbury to London. I have also cooked more recently for 300 at one of the Crisis centres in London during Christmas.

As a Botanist, I have a keen interest in the natural world.

“David is a personable and attentive man who has a genuine interest in people and their general well being.” – Stuart D

I will be donating my salary as an MP to four local charities per year in the Braintree area. I will represent each and every one regardless of views to the best of my ability.

The vast majority of people have become disillusioned with the political classes. This is reflected in low turnouts and apathy. I believe in simple common sense and as an Independent with no political agenda, I can be honest and open but above all, listen without prejudice to people’s concerns and views.

I want to make a difference to local people’s lives.

As an Independent MP I will represent the views of the local community in Braintree. I have over 40 years of experience in the real world, solving real problems.

“He commands respect and has an excellent sense of humour.” – Margaret L

Support your concerns over excessive immigration. In our Constituency, Wethersfield Asylum camp highlights this problem. I will support an extremely robust approach on both legal and illegal immigration.

  1. I will support measures to reduce the influence of small minorities on public and private life.
  2. I would ensure that the Local Authority is charged with repairing potholes within 24 hours of them being reported and have mobile units travelling up and down all roads spotting and repairing without requiring permission.
  3. I will support banning smartphones and social media for under 16 year olds during school time.
  4. I will support our local NHS and private hospitals, looking for ways to integrate.
  5. I will campaign for a local Accident and Emergency facility in the constituency.
  6. I will support our local rural communities, particularly farmers.
  7. On net Zero, I will support a more gradual approach that takes into consideration the cost and benefit of measures put forward.
  8. I would work with other Members to simplify our tax system and reduce taxes, to reduce the wastage in the National Health Service and to improve our defence of the Realm.
  9. I will also work to reform the Civil Service to ensure customer focus and reduce political influence at the heart of the Civil Service.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you agree with my Independent views and wish to vote for me then please do or you can ask any questions by emailing me at

I have adopted the slogan BE CLEVER, VOTE HEATHER and you all, courtesy of the Electoral Commission, will be receiving a leaflet through the post. Please display it in your window and I will try and visit you so that you can put your points across to me personally.

I will also be holding meetings in Braintree, Halstead, Wethersfield, Great Yeldham, Sible and Castle Hedingham and be in the town centres of the constituency over the next few weeks. If you wish to offer support, either physical or financial then please feel free to contact me at

For support in canvasing contact 07425604675

For financial support from £1 upwards please go to

Promoted by The IndependependenT Platform 220 Vale Road, Tonbridge, TN9 1SP, on behalf of David Heather 32 St James Street Castle Hedingham CO93EW


David Heather is a man who gets things done. As a successful international businessman and cultural ambassador, his work has taken him to Europe, America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Again and again, I’ve seen him do things that others said were impossible. He always puts the community and people first. Not party politics. Be clever- Vote Heather!"

Keith B

"David is a personable and attentive man who has a genuine interest in people and their general well being. He has a passionate interest in the countryside and rural communities. Residing in a rural community himself, he has great concern about the limited level of central governments engagement with our rural communities and the consequent impact to the quality and way of life"

Stuart D

"David has passion and drive for a fair and equitable outcome in both his former business and current personal life. He has lived in many countries and this is reflected in his wise advice and he is unafraid to tell it as it is. He commands respect and has an excellent sense of humour."

Margaret L

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