The IndependenT Platform.

The IndependenT Platform.

Becoming an Independent MP

Candidate Guidelines

Anybody can be an Independent candidate under the IndependenT Platform but must adhere to a very few guidelines.

  • The IndependenT Platform candidates’ politics should not be extreme either right or left. You need to be in the middle ground where your goal is to try and cater for all the UK.
  • The IndependenT Platform candidates should have spent ten years in the workplace so that you can bring that experience to the role.
  • The IndependenT Platform supports the goal to resolve the future of the NHS and take it away from political control.
  • The IndependenT Platform supports that politicians should only have one job while being a politician but also support change that gives politicians’ employment rights, redundancy pay and employment assistance should they lose their job during an election.
  • A true democracy should not allow money to buy influence. The IndependenT Platform supports that all party donations should be limited to £1000 max either in cash or benefit in kind. A new way of funding election should be developed with potentially some level of state funding to compliment donations.
  • Long term planning policies are limited by the 5 year election cycle and the desire to constantly appeal and appease votes means nothing is currently long term. The IndependenT platform will encourage members of parliament to start working constructively together and set long term goals that benefit all parts of society.


All independent candidates affiliated with IndependenT Platform pledge to adhere to our platform’s guidelines. Together, we can champion these principles and pave the way for a more inclusive, collaborative, and effective political landscape.

Does this sound like you or someone you know?

You can apply yourself or you could nominate someone else as a community. 

Remember, as an MP you can vote on new laws and policies, raise constituents’ concerns with ministers. debate issues and ask questions. 

Join The IndependenT Candidates Forum

How we help and support the Independent MPs

If we really mean it and really want something better, then now is the time to get up and try to make change. Fear of failure and potential ridicule from people around us puts us off.

The IndependenT Platform will be there to support and guide you in your efforts to bring change.

We will not apply any political pressure on Independent MPs once elected. They will be truly Independent

If you have put down your deposit and are standing in the election, we are open to discussing funding needs.

We will provide you with a central election agent

Support campaigning, social media and candidate’s website

We will provide ongoing support and mentorship to candidates

Learn more about the technology we use to support candidates


How can an independent MP in parliament make a difference ?

Even one independent in parliament can make a difference. One unique voice saying non-party political points will start making change.

Imagine what a difference if more were elected? Our goal is to get 100 MPS’s into the UK Government in the next election where they can really start making a difference!

Something like a new party has to be tested and long established to win trust, but a someone is an individual who has a chance of more quickly winning credibility and gaining trust.

If we can believe and put our faith in someone and get enough other someone’s interested in an evolution of politics we could make a change in how we look after our countries in the UK.

We want to encourage and support independent candidates to stand for parliament.


The IndependenT Platform

Join us on our mission to get 100 independent MP’s into the next Government.

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