The IndependenT Platform.

Dr. Abdul Butt (Scunthorpe)

Dr Abdul R Butt (Dr Butt) is a distinguished General Practitioner (GP) and entrepreneur who has been a pillar of the Scunthorpe community for nearly a decade.


At 44 years old, he brings a wealth of experience and skills as well as a fresh perspective to the local health and business sectors. With nearly 15 years of dedicated public service in the NHS, Dr Butt has observed and navigated the intricacies of the healthcare system, gaining invaluable insights into its strengths and areas in need of improvement.

  • Improve access to the NHS, social care and healthcare services. As a taxpayer why should you have to compromise on your health?
  • Fight austerity by restructuring welfare benefits and tackling the cost of living and social housing crises. Nobody in this day and age should be going hungry or homeless.
  • Oppose UK complicity in international wars, instead seeking to re-invest taxpayer money back into the UK to support public services and to help rebuild British industry.
  • Improve education with accessible support, including pre-school childcare and free school meals for all children.
  • Tackle crime and anti-social behaviour, our streets and homes should be safe for everyone.


Our community is being ignored by those in power, from not voting for an immediate Gaza ceasefire and complying with international law, to a failing healthcare system with backlogs, unfair job cuts at the steelworks, lack of employment opportunities, substantial increase in food bank usage to social care funding cuts.

Throughout my experience in public service, the most notable issues affecting my patients stem from a lack of social care availability. Where families are having to choose between heating or eating, as both mainstream political parties have instead chosen to allow energy and water companies to make record profits. Consequently my patients suffer from poor mental health, in addition to physiological ailments. It is a vicious, never ending cycle and I have witnessed first-hand how the establishment fails working people, veterans, those most vulnerable and our youth.

My family, friends, colleagues and some patients encouraged me to stand as an independent candidate, because of my principled values and strong commitment to our community. My independence means I’ll listen to local people and not political party agendas. I’ll place people over profit, and vote for humanity and never against.

It’s time to return politics to the people, and achieve a future full of prosperity and hope. I’ll focus on tackling the cost of living crisis, improving access to the NHS, and making our streets safer. Together, we will put working people, our youth and Scunthorpe first. Together, we can make the change we want to see. Join the campaign.



Dr. Butt’s commitment to Scunthorpe goes beyond his professional responsibilities. He has chosen to raise his family in this vibrant, diverse community, with his children attending local schools, fostering a deep connection and investment in the area’s future. His dual roles as a healthcare provider and a local entrepreneur uniquely position him to understand and address the needs and concerns of his fellow residents.

Driven by a desire to provide an alternative to the entrenched politics of the Labour and Conservative parties, Dr. Butt stands as a beacon of change. He is dedicated to championing integrity, transparency, and community-focused initiatives, advocating for a political landscape free from years of corruption and inefficiency.

Dr. Butt’s vision for Scunthorpe is one where health, well-being, and economic prosperity are accessible to all, and where the voices of ordinary citizens are genuinely heard and respected. Through his medical expertise and business acumen, he aims to lead with compassion, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to the betterment of his community.


"I love what you stand for and just well done for getting out there knocking on doors and doing all you are doing"

Phil Cheddar

'I won't be voting Conservative or Labour but I definitely won't be voting for the Lib-Dems because of the coalition. You've got my vote Abi.'

Dick Shepton Mallet

“I’ve believed for at least 8 years that we need a coalition of minds to get the best results”

Ross East Huntsville

Virtual Town Hall

This is where you will see your candidate responding to the questions raised through the candidate form.



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Want to find out Scunthorpe’s 2019 election results? Click HERE!


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