The IndependenT Platform.

Edward Peter Willett (Warrington South)

I have served my country as a soldier and officer in the British Army. I have deployed to Bosnia twice, in Northern Ireland and Belize. I am a teacher and leader in education, and I have been teaching for 22 years. I work locally at schools and enjoy developing the next generation. I am a servant leader who wants to make a difference in my community.
I am looking forward to offering a choice from the main parties and working hard to represent the people of South Warrington. I married Claire, a nurse currently working locally in the health sector. We have a fifteen year old son, and we love to cook, travel and hike. Exploring the local area on foot with our dog and getting to know some great local pubs and walks is our ideal Sunday. I am passionate about painting and photography, so I use these to record my travels.

“He remains the single best leader I have ever worked with. Why? Because he was always willing to listen to every opinion, tease out our best ideas, and then empower those around him to be the best we could be.” – Mr. John Turner MA,


I remember the chaos at the end of the last Labour government, and we are in the same state now as the Conservatives term in government comes to an
end. In the upcoming election for Warrington South, it is crucial to break away from the traditional choices of Labour and Conservatives.

I think it’s time for change. Both parties have long dominated the political landscape, often prioritising their broader national agendas over the unique needs of our local community.

While historically championing social justice, the Labour Party has frequently been entangled in internal strife and policy inconsistencies, leaving many of
our pressing local issues needing to be addressed. On the other hand, the Conservative Partys focus on Austerity Measures and economic policies often overlooks the immediate welfare and development needs of communities like ours.

Voting for an independent candidate offers a refreshing and much-needed alternative. As an independent candidate, I am free from party politics and can put Warrington Souths particular needs and interests first. I can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions tailored to our community without the constraints of a national party agenda. By electing an independent representative, you are empowering a voice that truly
understands and is committed to our local concerns, fostering more
responsive and effective governance.

Choose progress and real change for Warrington South by supporting an independent candidate in this election.

Economic Development – For the area to develop and prosper, I will strongly advocate for business-friendly policies that attract new investments and support local enterprises. I will also facilitate partnerships between businesses, local government, and educational
institutions to foster innovation and entrepreneurship. This will create a thriving local economy with more job opportunities and a resilient business environment.

Infrastructure and Transportation – Lobbying other MPs to ensure that funding for major infrastructure projects, including road improvements and public transportation upgrades, will be a key aspect of my work for you. I will promote the expansion of high-speed internet
access across all parts of the city, improving connectivity and reducing traffic congestion, making it easier for residents to commute and businesses to operate efficiently.

Housing – I will push for the development of affordable housing projects and support policies that encourage sustainable urban planning. I will also work with local authorities to ensure housing developments meet community needs. This will increase the availability of affordable housing options, reduce the burden on residents, and ensure everyone has a place to call home.

Healthcare – As my wife is a nurse, I am fully aware of the vital role the NHS plays in our society. I will support increased funding for the NHS and local healthcare services. Supporting initiatives to expand mental health services and improve healthcare facilities will also be one of my goals. This will enhance healthcare services that are accessible and responsive to the needs of all residents, improving overall health and well-being.

Education and Skills Training – Helping people get into work is part of what I have done as an educator for 23 years. I will continue to champion funding for local schools and vocational training programs. I will support initiatives that enhance educational facilities and provide
continuous professional development for teachers. This will provide high-quality education and training opportunities that equip residents
with the skills needed for future job markets, fostering lifelong learning.

Environmental Sustainability – I will promote policies that protect and enhance green spaces, improve waste management, and support renewable energy projects. I will also advocate for measures to reduce air pollution and the cities carbon footprint. This will result in a cleaner,
greener Warrington with improved environmental health and sustainable living practices.

Youth and Leisure Service – I will advocate for funding to expand youth centres, sports facilities, and cultural programs. I will also engage with young people to ensure their voices are heard, and their needs are met. This will enhance recreational opportunities and support services for youth, fostering a vibrant and engaged community. I am all too aware of the challenges that young people face, partly through my own service as a Cadet instructor supporting the local youth of Warrington.

As your MP, I am dedicated to being an accessible and responsive
representative. I will hold regular meetings to hear the communities main concerns and seek courses of action to resolve those issues. I believe it is vital to maintain open lines of communication and actively seek input from all residents.

Defence – Having served in Central America fighting drug trafficking, in Bosnia and in Northern Ireland, I am acutely aware of how important the defence of the UK is at home and abroad. The current Government
has run down defence spending to dangerous levels, something which needs reversing.

Address Sewage Dumping – I am particularly disturbed by the water crisis we are facing and the fact that sewage is being allowed to be dumped into our rivers and water systems. This, at a time when water rates and big-boss profits are rising, is truly abhorrent. I will challenge
the companies directly in the area to address this and use my influence in Parliament to effect change.


“The hallways of power desperately need to be filled with better people: - people with a strong moral compass; - people who are creative and thoughtful; - people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get stuff done; - people who will actually serve their community rather than serving themselves. Edward Peter Willett is just such a man. He remains the single best leader I have ever worked with. Why? Because he was always willing to listen to every opinion, tease out our best ideas, and then empower those around him to be the best we could be. So, if you happen to be eligible to vote in Warrington South in this upcoming UK General Election, or if you know someone who is part of that excellent electorate, please do check out Mr Willett’s campaign and consider lending him your support.”

- Mr John Turner MA, PGCE, BA

Peter is a character with dedication, intelligence and an innate sense of fairness. His background is varied which stands him in great stead to understand a diverse range of people. He is empathetic and incredibly caring. He will work tirelessly for the people in his constituency and would make an ideal candidate for an MP. You couldn’t ask for better.

Liz Jones, Teacher

From a Fellow Veteran I have had the honor of knowing Peter Willett for over 30 years, dating back to our military service together. During his tours in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, and Belize, Peter's leadership was unparalleled. He demonstrated an exceptional ability to lead with both strength and compassion, making difficult decisions with a steady hand and a big heart. What sets Peter part is his remarkable sense of humor and organisational ability. Even in the most challenging situations, he knew how to lighten the mood, boosting the morale of everyone around him. His ability to stay organized and keep everything running smoothly was a testament to his leadership skills and meticulous nature. Peter’s shift from a decorated soldier and officer to an influential educator speaks volumes about his character. For the past 22 years, he has been a pillar in the education community, dedicating himself to the growth and development of young minds. His commitment to his students is unwavering, helping them achieve their full potential and guiding them with wisdom and care. As an independent candidate, Peter Willett brings a unique blend of military discipline, educational empathy, and a great sense of humour. His common-sense approach, coupled with a genuine desire to serve, makes him an outstanding choice for public office. I wholeheartedly endorse Peter, confident that he will serve with the same dedication and integrity that has marked his entire career.

Derek McKinlay, Financial Services Expert

Thank goodness there are decent, sensible people who want to stand for Parliament! I worked alongside Peter Willett for ten years, and can vouch for his deep compassion, his military flair for efficiency and effectiveness and his strong desire to make a positive difference in the world around him. He is deeply independent-minded, and would always look after his constituents' concerns ahead of his own, or any party's. If you are tired of being ignored or exploited, now's the chance to vote for someone who would stand up and care for you and your community.

James Torrence

Virtual Town Hall

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