The IndependenT Platform.

Frequently asked questions

The Facts

More information about The IndependenT Platform

How do we find independent candidates?

There are two ways. The first way is that if you think you are up for it and can make a difference you can apply yourself via this website. The second way is a new concept in present times but how elections would have logically happened in every other walk of life. This challenge we put to you is that if you really want change in parliament then you and your community can find someone to stand and then all get behind that someone’s campaign.

How could you win seats?

One target will be in constituencies where the combined vote is greater than the sitting MP’s votes. For example : Woking has a Conservative MP who received 26396 votes to win the last election. The LD, Labour, Green and UKIP vote achieved 27541 votes. If the combined non Conservative vote switched allegiance to an Independent candidate, then this would win the seat from the dominant party. There are 227 constituencies where the elected MPs have under 50% of the vote. The constituencies that have a long term, one party dominant candidate is where we will approach the other parties, who have little chance of success, and seek their support in switching their vote to a non-political Independent . We will then target the disillusioned votes that may have traditionally supported the elected political party.

How will the IndependenT Platform help independent candidates?

1. Fund the deposit for the election.
2. Provide a central election agent.
3. Support campaigning, social media and candidate’s website
4. Mentor candidates

Who are the team behind this?

We are a team of ordinary people trying to promote a different way of engaging in politics and we need your help. Against everybody’s advice, we have decided to try and make a difference! Started and run by Shaun Bowler, who is hoping to be an Independent MP for Sussex Weald.

How can an independent MP in parliament make a difference?

Even one independent in parliament can make a difference. One unique voice saying non-party political points scoring commonsense can be heard. Imagine what a difference if more were elected. The challenge will be to overcome the resistance and patronisation from people invested in the status quo. Our goal is to get 100 independents MP’s elected into the next parliament when they can really make a difference !

Why do we think Independent candidates can actually get elected?

A true story I remember talking to a friend when he was starting a new business. There were two multinational companies that dominated the market. This friend could see that they were making excellent returns but with very uncomplicated products. He thought there was an opportunity to make a more complex product that would produce markedly better outcomes. The problem was that the government had limited access to the data he needed, to only a few companies. When he said what his plan was, the competition laughed and told him that he would never compete with them as they were long established and recognised big players. When he tried to obtain the data and build the new product they all patronised him. When he launched the product they all went quiet. When he started taking business away they started listening. Small businesses can compete with large corporate by being quicker, responsive, positive, customer friendly, accountable, flexible and visible outcome driven. The same concept could and should also apply to small politics and big corporate politic !

Can we believe in someone more than something?

Something like a new party has to be tested and long established to win trust and so by logic something new will fail. But a someone is an individual who has a chance of more quickly winning credibility and gaining trust. If we can believe and put our faith in someone and get enough other someone’s interested in an evolution of politics we could make a change in how we look after our countries in the UK. We want to encourage independent candidates to stand for parliament. This option is not new. In 1946 there 8 independent MPs unlinked to a political party; however since the 1950’s there have been 4 independents actually voted into parliament. We have put together the IndependenT Platform to support and promote truly independent candidates who want to stand for the next election.

What are your views on the NHS?

The IndependenT Platform supports the goal to resolve the future of the NHS and take it away from political control.

Can I donate?

Yes of course, please get in touch with use via the website. A true democracy should not allow money to buy influence. The IndependenT Platform supports that all party donations should be limited to £1,000 max either in cash or benefit in kind. A new way of funding election should be developed with potentially some level of state funding to compliment donations.

How would you bring about long term change?

Long term planning policies are limited by the 5 year election cycle and the desire to constantly appeal and appease voters which means nothing is currently long term. The IndependenT platform will encourage members of parliament to start working constructively together and set long term goals that benefit all parts of society.

Why choose an independent candidate ?

Independent MP candidates often struggle to gain traction due to a lack of visibility and support. We’re here to change that. By utilising the IndependenT Platform, voters can engage directly with their local independent candidates, learn about their objectives, and pose questions before casting their votes. Why choose an independent MP ? Because we do have a choice. We currently have MPs classified as “independent” but they cannot be truly described as independent as they have either broken ties, voluntarily or involuntarily, with their mainstream party or they have got elected on a single issue cause.

Are you tired of the status quo in our parliament?

Are you fed up with the way things operate?

It’s time to take action.

We believe in supporting an alternative. We can either sit back and criticize or complain about the state of affairs, or we can roll up our sleeves and make a difference.

The IndependenT Platform

Join us on our mission to get 100 independent MP’s into the next Government.

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